Category: House Rent

  • What is a Good Rent Price for an Apartment?

    What is a Good Rent Price for an Apartment?

    Knowledge is power when it comes to apartment hunting. A rent affordability calculator is one way of doing just that. Conventional wisdom holds that you should spend at most 35% of your income on housing costs; however, this may only sometimes be possible in cities and suburbs where apartments can be more costly. Rent to…

  • When Do I Stop Paying Rent When Moving Out?

    When Do I Stop Paying Rent When Moving Out?

    Starting off alone can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, so preparations must be made. This may involve scheduling movers, contacting utility providers, packing, and setting a date of when you will move out. There may be situations in which it’s appropriate for you to leave without paying rent; this process is known as constructive eviction.…

  • Rent to Own Houses by Owner

    Rent to Own Houses by Owner

    Rent-to-own is an attractive solution if you want to own your own home but require extra time and resources for saving for a down payment or building credit. But keep in mind there may be fees involved. Your total monthly costs could include nonrefundable option fees and above-market rental prices, which may add an unexpected…